Westhaven Dairy Pty Ltd Group

About whom do we collect Personal Information?

We collect information about customers, employees and contractors. For customers this might be to encourage or help to manage the business. It might relate to our continuing obligations in the product on behalf of the customer. For employees and contractors, it might relate to engaging prospective employees or contractors of managing their engagement.

How we collect your Personal Information?

We collect your private information from you and from other sources. It is important for you to keep your contact details up to date. When we can’t get information from you, we collect it from other sources, such as public records, publicly available sources, or from other sources when authorised by you.

What happens when you don’t provide your Personal Information?

If we can’t get the information we need, this will mean we may not be able to provide the service you have sought from us or protect you from third parties eg by fraud. We may not be able to keep you informed about matters or services about which you have sought information.

How we collect your Credit Information

We collect information from you including your website, from public sources, from any proposed guarantors, from our contractors, from your agents and contractors and from other persons authorised by you in the course of our dealings.

Personal Information we have not sought

Sometimes people give us information about you which we have not sought. If it is relevant to our needs we will keep this but check it to make sure it is relevant and reasonably necessary for our needs. We will destroy or de-identify the information if we don’t need it or if we could not lawfully obtain the information ourselves.

Telling you about Personal Information we have received

When we collect information from you about you, you will be made aware of the collection at the time we collect it. When we receive information we have not sought, and which would not expect us to have, and which is not from public records or publicly available sources, we will tell you we have this information.

Security of your Personal Information

We store our Personal Information in secure premises and on a secure computer system.


We do not provide Personal Information for any external marketing to you.

Using your Personal Information

We use the personal information collected to provide the service you sought from us and to provide you with services which you would reasonably expect us to provide to you. We will use Personal Information to protect you, us and our customers.

Government Related Identifiers

Sometimes we are required to use government identifiers such as your tax file number. We will only do this when this is permitted by law.

Using your Credit Information

We use any credit information to consider any further services we can provide to you and to manage the existing provision of services.

Sharing your Personal and Credit Information

We share information when you have requested or authorised us to do this. We would share information with our service providers, who are themselves subject to privacy obligations.

We share your personal information with Credit reporting bodies when you have sought credit from us. Some of that information may reflect adversely on your credit worthiness, for example, if you fail to make payments or if you commit a serious credit infringement (like obtaining credit by fraud). That sort of information may affect your ability to get credit from other lenders.

We would share information where required or authorised by law.

Accessing your Personal and Credit Information

You can obtain access to personal information held by us upon request. We would aim to provide the information within 30 days or sooner. We may charge a fee to cover our costs in providing the information. If the provision of the information is frivolous or vexatious, subject to legal proceedings, would prejudice commercial negotiations or activities, would be unlawful, or would be contrary to public policy then we may not release the information immediately or at all.

Correcting your Personal and Credit Information

We will correct any Personal Information at your request if it is wrong, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading. If we cannot amend the information we will tell you promptly.

Resolving your Privacy Issues.

You can complain about the way we have handled your Private Information by writing to us.

If you still feel your issue hasn’t been resolved to your satisfaction, then you can raise your concern with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner:

Contact us

Write to us at:
27 Montague Street
Invermay, Tasmania 7001
or by phoning (03) 6331 9999
or by emailing info@tasmaniaswesthaven.com.au

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Any changes to this policy will appear in the amended policy on our website and the use of information will be subject to the amended policy.